Darkest Dungeon II - Kingdoms - Retail Release
Jan 27, 2025
Darkest Dungeon II - Kingdoms
“This squalid Kingdom, these corrupted lands.
They are yours now, and you are bound to them.”
Kingdoms is the culmination of a year-long effort to bring an entirely new, stand-alone game mode to Darkest Dungeon II. Additionally, we’re excited to also launch the Inhuman Bondage DLC simultaneously!
A full description of Kingdoms is beyond the scope of these notes, but a few key points are important to note:
Kingdoms is an all new game mode that is played independently of the standard Confessions mode. Be aware that item unlocks, Hero skill access/upgrades, Inn functionality, are all reset in a Kingdoms campaign, and are accessed in new ways as you play. Your Confession progress is entirely unaffected.
Kingdoms and Confessions progress are largely independent, with only a few exceptions:
Stagecoach skins must be unlocked in Confessions mode before using them in Kingdoms.
Hero palettes and weapon kits must be unlocked in Confessions/Altar of Hope before using them in Kingdoms.
The Abomination (included in Inhuman Bondage DLC) will appear in Kingdoms only after his Shrines of Reflection have been completed in Confessions.
Thank you to our testers!
As with previous large releases, we relied heavily on multiple groups of volunteers who made themselves available to test this update. Your dedication to Darkest Dungeon is humbling to us, and your voluminous feedback and willingness to endure hardships have directly aided us in shaping Kingdoms.
GENERAL NOTES (Confessions and/or Confessions + Kingdoms)
Although the headline feature of this update is the new Kingdoms mode, we have also made a number of balance adjustments, bug fixes, and general improvements to the game as whole, many of which apply to Confessions mode.
Removed enemy speed buff from ordainment
Reduced Act 2 ordainment DMG and Max HP from +40% to +30%
Dev Note: further feedback on Ordainment is welcome, as it’s an area we are keeping an eye on
Bounty Hunter is usable as a non-hirable hero in Kingdoms mode.
Wanderer path available exclusively in Kingdoms mode.
Professional path available exclusively in Confessions mode.
SPD increased from 3 to 5
Bodyguard Guard tokens increased from 2 to 3
Bodyguard Block tokens increased from 2 to 3
Caltrops is now a back ranks AoE
Caltrops DMG increased from 1-3 to 2-3
Come Hither DMG increased from 2-4 to 3-5
No Escape now ignores Guard
No Escape now removes all Guard
Uppercut CRIT increased from 5% to 10%
Missing with Fester now correctly clears the missed corpse, keeping it consistent with other, similar skills such as Dead of Night
Break now ignores Blind vs. Combo
Break now ignores Blind vs. Combo
Disorienting Blast no longer has a chance to apply a Weak token
Disorienting Blast+ chance of Weak token increased from 25% to 100%
Plague Grenade and Plague Grenade+ now have a cooldown of 1
Plague Grenade+ CRIT increased from 5% to 10%
Plague Grenade and Plague Grenade+ now have a cooldown of 1
SPD increased from 4 to 6 to account for the loss of Ordainment SPD buff
Dreaming General
Tap Root will no longer use The Growth Recedes on corpses
Dev Note: Swine have received a number of adjustments to improve their threat level in a way that better reflects the optional risk-reward nature of the Sluice
Skulkers have been adjusted to provide a clear expectation of their combat role in each rank
HP increased from 15 to 18
SPD increased from 4 to 5
Now has a low chance to spawn with 1-2 Stealth tokens
Innate buff to Blight dealt while Stealthed increased from +2 to +3
Fouled Shank Blight increased from 2 to 3
Fouled Shank stress increased from 1 to 1-2
Fouled Shank launch ranks changed from 3 4 to 4
Fouled Shank no longer has a cooldown
Fouled Shank chance of disease increased from 15% to 25%
Pigsticker DMG increased from 6-9 to 6-10
Ragged Hook DMG increased from 3-5 to 4-8
Ragged Hook launch ranks changed from 3 4 to 3
Ragged Hook now has a 15% chance to inflict disease
Skitter can no longer be used while unable to gain Stealth
HP increased from 20 to 22
SPD increased from 3 to 4
HP increased from 40 to 50
Stun RES increased from 40% to 60%
Now spawns with a buff granting +50% DMG vs. Dazed or Stunned targets
Block granted on spawn increased from 1-2 to 2
Smash DMG increased from 6-10 to 8-12
Smash stress chance increased from 50% to 75%
Squeal launch ranks changed from 1 2 to 1
Squeal target ranks changed from 1 2 to 1 2 3 4
Squeal now hits 2 random targets instead of 1
Squeal DMG increased from 4-7 to 6-10
Squeal stress damage reduced from 2 to 1-2
Squeal now applies Daze
HP increased from 48 to 56
Stun RES increased from 50% to 75%
Obliterate Body now shows the +100% CRIT vs. Combo property in Academic View
Obliterate Body DMG increased from 10-14 to 10-16
Obliterate Body now has a cooldown of 1, similar to Fulgore's Combo-targeting skill
Obliterate Masses DMG increased from 8-11 to 8-12
Obliterate Masses stress chance increased from 50% to 75%
Shattering Squeal launch ranks changed from 1 2 to 1
Shattering Squeal target ranks changed from 1 2 to 1 2 3 4
Shattering Squeal now hits 2 random targets instead of 1
Shattering Squeal DMG increased from 6-8 to 8-11
Skewer now shows the +100% CRIT vs. Combo property in Academic View
Added additional Military Barricade mashes
Warlord no longer has mashes with Spiked Barricade
Spiked Barricade and Weapon Rack
Ranged Skills DMG Taken buff reduced from -50% to -25%
Removed permanent Immobilize token
Move RES reduced from immune to 75%
Spearman and Swordsman
Debuff RES reduced from 50% to 30%
Fixed combo skills applying combo effects to guarding heroes without combo
HP reduced from 75 to 50
Leucotomy now applies Death Armor to Ghouls
Now has a second action while alone
HP reduced from 26 to 21
Dev Note: We have slightly adjusted this fight to allow players to engage with some previously blocked tactical options
Latch of Regret Move RES reduced from IMMUNE to 30%
Bolt of Lamentation Move RES reduced from IMMUNE to 40%
Padlock of Wasting Move RES reduced from IMMUNE to 30%
Shackle of Despair Move RES reduced from IMMUNE to 10%
Dev Note: Numerous adjustments have been made to this fight to help smooth the difficulty transition across Confessions. These changes are intended to allow a wider variety of effective parties and improve available counterplay while also clarifying some of the fight’s mechanics.
Body HP reduced from 280 to 250
Body Stun RES reduced from 60% to 30%
Body Bleed RES reduced from 40% to 30%
Body Blight RES reduced from 40% to 30%
Body Burn RES reduced from 40% to 30%
Body Debuff RES reduced from 30% to 20%
Front Lung Debuff RES reduced from 10% to 0%
Back Lung Debuff RES reduced from 10% to 0%
Death Armor reduced from 3 to 2
Threshold for initial access to Deep Breath lowered from 70% HP to 50% HP
Threshold for continuous Deep Breath use lowered from 30% to 20%
Sundering Exhalation with 1 Breath token DMG reduced from 10-20 to 8-16
Sundering Exhalation with 2 Breath tokens DMG reduced from 20-30 to 12-20
Sundering Exhalation with 1 Breath token Stress reduced from 2 to 1
Sundering Exhalation with 2 Breath tokens Stress reduced from 3 to 2
Sundering Exhalation CRIT chance reduced from 5% to 0%; it can still CRIT via outside influences such as CRIT tokens
Sundering Exhalation with 2 Breath tokens no longer grants a permanent increase in Burn dealt
Sundering Exhalation Academic View description updated for clarity
When destroying one of the Lungs, a visible buff is now added to the main body to make it clear that the targeting capabilities of certain skills have been improved
Wrath and Rancor CRIT reduced from 20% to 10%
Wrath and Rancor Stress reduced from 2 to a range of 1-2
Hysteria no longer has a low chance of applying Shuffle
Blind Rage Blind tokens reduced from 2 to 1
Blind Rage no longer grants Block+
Blind Rage no longer primes Combo
Blind Rage no longer gains +50% DMG below 50% HP for clarity
Blind Rage DMG increased from 4-7 to 6-8
Threshold for use of Dying Light raised from 50% HP to 70% HP
Dying Light has been redesigned to focus on Horror and Knockback, and no longer interacts with Combo or damages the Torch
Dying Light target ranks changed from 1 2 3 4 to 1 2
Dying Light cooldown has been increased from 1 to 2
Fixed an issue with Strange Axis having a very slim chance of not inverting all tokens on the target
Reduced cost of Vague trinkets from 10 to 5 Baubles
Healing Salve: No longer considered a common item in loot tables
Thrilling Tablet: Effects now check for Missing Ally rather than Missing Hero
Chalk Dust: Added -10% Debuff RES (3 Turns)
Shred of Decency: Added -33% Debuff RES (3 Turns) and no longer requires target to have Worship.
Grim Mask: Flame threshold for above and below updated from 40 to 50
Bone Mallet: Added If target has Daze: +25% DMG. Flame threshold updated from 40 to 50
Rousing Ringer: Replaced If any Enemy Team has Daze: +25% Debuff Res with If target has Daze: +33% Debuff RES Piercing. Flame threshold updated from 40 to 50
Covert Cloak: Flame threshold updated from 40 to 50
Goading Gargoyle: Flame threshold updated from 40 to 50
Pig Sticker: Flame threshold updated from 40 to 50
Staggering Striker: Flame threshold updated from 40 to 50
Searing Scripture: Steal Negative token and Combo on Endure Skills changed to Target Hero
His Prison: Replaced +10% Negative Banter with -20% Blight RES
Inert Indicia: Removed Gain when Hit with Stun/Daze buff. Added +100% Stun RES. On Stun/Daze resist now provides an additional positive token and regen 2
Charred Litany: Replaced +3 Burn Dealt and -2 Burn Duration Dealt with Apply to Attacker when Hit: Burn 1 and If target has Burn: +20% Stun RES Piercing.
Dark Impulse (Stress RES): Replaced stress damage effect 25% chance to deal 1 DMG with 10% chance to apply Horror 1
Holy Hymnal: Replaced If has Consecration: +25% Max HP (1 Region) with Turn Start: If has Consecration: -1 Stress (1 Region)
Impermeable Poultice: Now appears correctly in certain loot tables
New quirk: Last Stand (bonus tokens if last ally alive)
Converted quirk Sluice Scrounger to Chthonic Scrounger so it will now function in the Sluice and the Catacombs
Converted quirk Sluice Tactician to Chthonic Tactician so it will now function in the Sluice and the Catacombs
Converted quirk Swine Slayer to Chthonian Slayer so it will now function in the Sluice and the Catacombs
Converted quirk Swine Hater to Chthonian Hater so it will now function in the Sluice and the Catacombs
Converted quirk Swine Fearing to Chthonian Fearing so it will now function in the Sluice and the Catacombs
Breacher story choices: changed from a STR benefit to a CRIT benefit because breacher already conferred str bonuses
Numerous bug fixes
General tutorial edits
Loot tables have been refactored to support Confessions and Kingdoms
Battle configuration tables have been refactored to support Confessions and Kingdoms
Increased Field Hospital shop variety
Road debris loot tables have been updated
Removed torch cost from shambler interaction choice so it will still show up even if player has low torch already
The temporary Stun RES buff received after being stunned has been increased from +40% to +50%. This applies to Heroes and monsters alike.
Fixed Newborn Mutation tooltip description to clarify 33% chance to gain a Block token when hit, not on hit
Fixed an issue with Disengage+ unintentionally granting Guard to corpses